Bulk tag deletion/ Supprimer plusieurs tags a la fois
Changing tags in bulk (adding a tag AND deleting a no longer relevant tag).
We tag donors based on who recruited their support (Ex: "Board Chair's Contact") so we can show each board member how many contacts and dollars they brought in.
After the board member's term expires, we want to re-tag the contact differently (Ex: "former board member contact") so we can track how effectively we nurtured the connection/ adopted the contact (no longer attributed to an individual).
As board member terms expire, the list of tags could become cumbersome. Deleting tags we no longer need in bulk would be a great help. Even making the tag unavailable/ no longer in the check box list would be helpful.
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Rowan from Zeffy
You can now delete tags in bulk! In the contact section, select the affected contacts > select manage tags > remove tags > select the tag you'd like to remove.
Vous pouvez désormais supprimer plusieurs tags en même temps ! Dans la section des contacts, sélectionnez les contacts concernés > sélectionnez gérer les tags > supprimer les tags > sélectionnez le tag que vous souhaitez supprimer.
Rowan from Zeffy
in progress
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Edit Tags on Contacts in Bulk
National Association of
I'd like to be able to select multiple contacts and then add or remove a tag to all the selected contacts in one go.
Maryse from Zeffy
Hi National Association of! It is currently possible to select multiple contacts, either manually or by using the filters, and to apply a tag on them in bulk. That said, it's not yet possible to bulk delete tags, but it's currently on the product roadmap! I'll merge your request to the other official request so that you're updated by email as soon as this is up!
Rowan from Zeffy
Rowan from Zeffy: Yes! so glad this is planned. do you know when this will be completed? really need to remove some folks since they are no longer on the a list and cant do it. Having to create new tags. Also need to bulk remove tags
Rowan from Zeffy
JJ: Thanks for your interest! We're looking to roll this out in January. :) You'll be updated here. If you need help with your lists in the meantime, please feel free to reach out to our support team through the chat in your Zeffy account. Thanks!