Change email sender's domain
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This is unrealistic as a default, modern anti-spam methods means that they would quickly be blocked on major platforms.
You would need to configure your DNS to allow emails to come from Zeffy's servers.
So at best this could be an advanced option custom to accounts that work with Zeffy IT, and I could see them charging for the work.
I totally agree and would love to have this feature available to all organization
Would be nice to have an organization email address as part of "Organization" in setup. I help clients get Zeffy setup and emails come from my generic email rather than the organization email. Please add this feature
Mississippi Association of
I agree with everyone's comments. If the email comes from the organization, it would make it easier for the purchaser or registrant to locate their confirmation.
WCSFA Secretary
We've realized many individuals are not seeing our email messages because they are ending up in the Spam folder. Having the ability to specify a custom email to use when sending messages would reduce this issue by quite a lot.
Ideally, we could provide a list of email addresses to choose from so that different types of email message could come from different accounts (e.g., from the Secretary of the association, from the Event Manager, from the Volunteer Coordinator, etc.)
Alternatively, allow us to specify and validate one default email address (like "") and then also allow the user who is actually sending an email draft to select between that, their own validated email address and, if a different user created the draft, the validated email address of the user sending the message.
The fact this feature isn't available sadly makes the email tool basically unusable.
I, too would very much appreciate having emails sent from my domain or email rather than Zeffy's
Yes please
How many votes do we have to get to have this change implemented?
I second this. Donors actually expect to receive email from us. While zeffy can certainly inclulde "powered by zeffy" and share link and stuff. It will be a huge improvement if we can use our own domains. I have an IT background and help implement/beta test if needed. Thank you
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