Customize the reply to for emails sent through Zeffy
Rowan from Zeffy
Currently the reply to is set automatically to whoever creates the email. I'd like to be able to customize it, because we have multiple email addresses.
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We have different people organizing different events so being able to cutomize the reply-to email would greatly help ensure the right people are getting all the necessary information
This would be a very important improvement.
Logically the email of the user (the person logging in and having certain permissions attached to the account), should be separated from the sender's email address in communication to contacts/members.
The users of the system should be real people, that have certain responsibilities and permissions for the organization, using a personal email to login.
The sender's email in communication to your community might better be something like
This seems especially important for the admin account, whose email is used as sender's email after buying a membership.
Member facing email address should be separated from the internal structure of your organization.
We would love access to this feature
Milk Club
I believe the behavior described by "Rowan from Zeffy" at the top is incorrect--according to, the reply-to is always the email address of the account's admin (not "whoever creates the email"). Anyway, yeah, I'd love functionality at the form level allowing the reply-to value to be configured.
Yes! We need Reply-To to be different for various events (the "thank you" response with receipt). Also need to be able to select it for emails sent to contacts.
Would prefer if we could create a list of emails to choose from (rather than typing in something every time).
The ability to set the reply-to for any campaign or event is essential to the compartmentalization of any organization that has more than one admin or manager. Matthew's point about the security risk is also critical.
This is an issue for my organization as well, and as we grow it will become more and more of a problem. Each Form should have option to set it's own "reply to" address, as different people in our organization will be responsible to reply to inquiries about the different Forms/Events/Donations. And the Security issue mentioned by Matthew is spot-on! Please add this feature ASAP.
We would like this feature as well!!!
Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Change reply-to email to another Zeffy user or another email
I'd like my emails to be sent not from the main email address on Zeffy but from another user's address.
Merged in a post:
Organization Settings have spot for Organization main email
When creating a Zeffy account, the first person's email becomes the "reply-to" email! Would like to have a spot in Organization settings to put in an organization email for the reply-to email address, so it automatically shows the email you want for each form.
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