Default number of tickets to minimum allowed not zero / Nombre de billets par défaut au minimum autorisé non nul
The default number of tickets should be the minimum. Only zero if zero is truly the minimum number.
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Maryse from Zeffy
Merged in a post:
Other sales + Default should be quantity minimum set by organization, not 0
Ontario Alliance
For "OTHER" type of sales, the quantity box defaults to 0.
If the minimum has been set by the user, that should be the default value in the quantity box.
"LESS' clicks = "MORE" happy end users.
Ontario Alliance
Please set a minimum # of tickets as 1 and not 0.
Mary Beth
I completely agree. One of our donors just inadvertently bought 0 tickets because but added a donation, thinking they had bought a ticket as well (as they added the amount that would get them a free ticket). This is confusing for users and required me to manually adjust down the number available to account for this "phantom ticket."
Il serait pratique de pouvoir établir qu'un article soit par défaut a 1.
Certain acheteur oubli d'ajouter l'article frais de postaux lors de leur commande.
Why are we able to set the "minimum" number of tickets when the field defaults to "0" to the audience? If I set a "minimum" quantity, that minimum should automatically show in the field the buyer sees. Making them adjust it is more work and unnecessary. After all, they are using the service to buy a minimum of one ticket.
Yes. Example: I create a ticket, and allow a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 1 (picture 1) I believe the form shown to the user should start at 1, not zero (picture 2)
This is causing some confusion for some of the people registering for our event (they are taken to the Zeffy form from the registration form on our site where we collect different kinds of information depending on what track they take and other variables that Zeffy isn't able to capture for us.
Rowan from Zeffy
Hi Christopher! Thanks for your feedback. Are you referring to the number that appears on the ticketing form beside each ticket type?