Generating receipts for in kind donations with descriptions from the manual entry drawer / Générer des reçus pour les dons en nature avec une description depuis la page d'entrée manuelle
Parkdale Community Foodbank
In the manual generation of receipts, have option to check as 'in kind' and then a field to describe the item. As a foodbank, this is extremely useful as we receive a lot of in kind donations and will allow us to stop using and paying for our old receipting system altogether.
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Rowan from Zeffy
🧾 The option to add a description for in-kind donations added manually are now available!
When adding the donation manually, select the payment method 'In kind'
> Enter your donor's personal information
> Select the option to generate a receipt and you'll be prompted to enter a description for the receipt.
The description will appear directly on the receipt.
🧾 L'option pour ajouter une description sur un reçu pour un don en nature est maintenant disponible !
Lorsque vous ajoutez un don manuellement, sélectionnez le mode de paiement "En nature"
> Entrez les informations personnelles de votre donateur
> Sélectionnez l'option de génération d'un reçu et vous serez invité à entrer une description pour le reçu.
La description apparaîtra directement sur le reçu.
Rowan from Zeffy
Rowan from Zeffy: Hi Rowan. What a great news. Do you have any estimated time of delivery? Also, would it include inkind and money donations in the same form? Thanks
Rowan from Zeffy
Hi Philippe! The feature is now live, feel free to test it out! You can add donations with different types of payment methods to the same form. Is this what you were looking for? Thanks!
Hi all! Thank you so much for your votes and comments. It is in fact possible to generate in kind donation receipts with descriptions from the contact page (see how here: We will maintain this feature request with a slight modification to a request to having the option to add the description in the manual entry drawer, not only from the contact page :)
Merged in a post:
Tax receipts for in-kind donations
many donors want a tax deductible receipt for clothing, personal care items, non perishable food and the like they donate to us. Currently there is only a monetary field. This is urgent for us. Thank you
Merged in a post:
Non monetary donation field
URGENT second request. Need a non monetary donation field on forms for donors who require a receipt for donations other than money as required by the IRS.
Hi John! Thanks for sharing this request :) In the manual entries for donations, there is an option to indicate "in kind." You can then use the "Description" section to describe the donated item. Would this work for you? To learn more about manual entries in the dashboard, see our FAQ:
We just put "Gift-In-Kind" in the Memo field of the receipt. Works for us for now!
yes having to having this option!
Parkdale Community Foodbank
Hi John, I do this by going to the donor's contact profile and manually generating a receipt for them. I then add a note to the receipt that says "GIFT IN KIND: (description of donation)" and send them the receipt that way. It leaves a large note indicating the nature of the receipt